Empathy / Intuitive Ability


Empathy, an amazing Intuitive Ability

For many, clairsentience is a key ability to understand empathy. It is the ability to feel energies of many different sources.   The word clairsentient comes from the French and Latin words Clair meaning CLEAR, and sensitive, meaning TO FEEL. In short, a Clairsentive is a person with the ability to feel the energy from those in the spirit realm – ghosts, spirits, and angels.  

So, the psychic ability of Empathy is the gift of feeling energy from other people.  When an Empath is connected to another person, they will feel their feelings, like sadness, anger, pain, or other feelings.  Because this can be overwhelming, most empathic people usually choose to stay away from crowds.  Although what the Empathic person requires is to learn how to protect their energy from others. 


How Ruth Connects with Intuitive Energy

Ruth uses her clairsentient ability and intuitive gifts to connect with her clients, and when they ask a question, 

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