Working with You and Your Business


Helping you grow your business is a great passion for Ruth Theresa. She works closely with many business owners during all phases, including start-ups, building, promoting and increasing revenue.  Business owners seek out Ruth to bridge the gap between themselves and Heaven’s insight.

Staffing – Who to hire, promote from within, who is really on your side, or who is secretly opposing you.

Office Space – Which office space is best suited to each person, for best productivity.

Business Partners – Assist with vendors to alleviate stress in your business.

Work Environment – Which employees work best together to achieve business goals.

Employees – Insight into employees and their goals and motivations, year-end reviews or evaluations, and hiring the best possible employees.

Locations – Working with new start-ups, family business and small-to-medium companies to find new office space, relocate departments with-in current space to allow for maximum efficiency and positive flow of energy.
Ruth has also consulted with real estate investors for purchasing property with the most income producing income.

Coaching – Personal issues such as how to better effectively work with employees, how to work with difficult clients or employees.

Millionaire Businesses

Working with many businesses local, state-wide and national, to bring peace, harmony and revenue to your business. Ruth is called a, “Millionaire Maker” of psychics.  She is now working with her 7th millionaire.

Business Services with Psychic Ruth Theresa works with business owners as a  Private Business Consultant, she uses her gift to you her insight to insure
your success.

Business Client Reviews

I have worked closely with Ruth over the last year, she has increased productivity in every department.  She has brought a new level of working together for my whole company. 
Ruth is my company’s  biggest asset. 
February 2019

Ruth has been a huge asset to myself and my company.  She has worked with me from finding the property, to setting up the office space, to hiring my most amazing staff.  Ruth has been with us the whole time. With her help we are grossing 1.5 millions dollars in sales after 3 year in business.  She is amazing.
Robert, HR
August 2018

I totally wish I could hire Ruth Theresa to work with me full time, her insight and her angels have me on a total success path!  I started my own business with her assistance and guidance.  Ruth is the “real deal”!
Jose A.
March 2018

I have worked with Ruth for more than 3 years. She is an amazing asset to our company.  She works with me and my team during year-end reviews of employees, allowing us to keep our best employees happy.  Ruth, also works with me when selecting new hires to find the exactly right person for the right job.

Martin U.
December 2017

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