Ghost Investigations with Ruth Theresa

Have You Gone Ghost Hunting Before?

I have been on so many. I love the stories of love, loss, and even a tragic turn of events. What’s weird is that I usually don’t feel the ghost tour guide is talking about! It’s not usually the famous person indicated, but regular people who once were connected to the location or came with the other people taking the tour.

Ghost Investigations

I pretty much see ghosts everywhere I go; the store, the bank, and even the post office! When I come in contact with a person, I can feel, sense, and see their ghosts. I see their Grandma saying, ” I am proud,” or their father saying, “I’m sorry”. Because of this I feel I am highly qualified to guide you along and help you sense them too. My team and I created “Ghost Hunting with Ruth Theresa.”

These are not your ‘regular’ haunted house ghost tours.  These investigations are with Psychic Medium Ruth Theresa.  Before a tour begins, Ruth Theresa will brief you on how to protect yourself and how to get in touch with your gifts during the investigation.  The only tools allowed during an investigation is a notepad, pen/pencil, and your cell phone camera.  

Reviews of Ghost Investigations With Ruth Theresa

The tour was very empowering for all involved.  All that’s needed is an open mind and a willingness to learn!  What I enjoyed and most impressed me is that the tour is not like many ghost tours or history tours out there.  It is the best of both worlds in that you learn to enhance and use the inherent gifts which you may already have.  After you use your intuitive gifts to gather information at these famous sites, you are given the site’s historical background.  It is incredibly validating, empowering, and an all-around positive experience!  You will meet others who you may befriend, learn with, and learn from in return!  I highly recommend this for anyone seeking to enhance their capabilities. 
With much gratitude, Constance Smith 9-14-2020

So, much beyond the normal Ghost Tour, I really connected to the ghosts and received information that was confirmed !!
Totally Awesomeness, Lori.

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