Inspiring Quotes & Inspiring Authors

I love reading inspiring quotes. What I dislike about most quotes is that they are written in 3rd person. I love to change them to make the quotes 1st person because it turns them into something very personal. I hope you enjoy it. ~ Ruth Theresa

I am confident, strong, and smart.

I am moving toward my goals daily.

I can picture myself in my Dream Life NOW!!

I have an amazing life with an amazing family that supports me as I reach for my goals. ~Ruth Theresa

People fall forward into success. ~ Mary Kay Ash When I fail, I know in my heart I am falling into my own success story. ~ Ruth Theresa

I am willing to work for my company, and I choose to push myself to work smarter rather than harder. ~ Ruth Theresa

I push myself through my comfort zone to my own success. ~ Ruth Theresa

My only limitation is my imagination. I now choose to see my parent’s limitations as merely speed bumps on my road to my dream life. ~ Ruth Theresa

Every day I work towards my dream life. I research, take notes, and send positive energy toward my New Successful Life which moves me closer to it. ~Ruth Theresa

Even when I have failed because of my own weakness, I realize I discovered my newest hidden strengths which only powers me forward. ~ Ruth Theresa

When I am asleep, my angels show me if I can dream it, I can have it as soon as I believe it. ~Ruth Theresa

When others tell me about my obstacles, I realize they are really telling me about their obstacles. I know my obstacles only get smaller as I move toward my success. ~ Ruth Theresa

“I can’t change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails always to reach my destination” ~ Jimmy Dean

“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your BALANCE, you must keep moving forward” ~ Albert Einstein Life is like riding my bicycle; to keep MY BALANCE, I must keep moving. ~ Ruth Theresa

No one else is in charge of my happiness. I am in charge of my happiness every day and in every way. ~ Ruth Theresa

Ruth Theresa.

Today, I choose joy and happiness to fill me to the top, and I allow my joy and happiness to flow through me into my world.  ~Ruth Theresa

“Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible.” ~ Audrey Hepburn

“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.” ~ Dolly Parton

When I know who I am and live me on purpose, I live my life filled with determination and perseverance. My life path is My Life Path. My path is personal, and I choose to have a life filled with success, achievement, and triumphs that others will never even see. ~ Ruth Theresa

” Keep Moving forward, and only take your part of your life lesson forward with you” ~ Ruth Theresa

“A day without laughter is a day wasted.” ~ Charlie Chaplin.

I would upgrade this by saying, “My day without laughter is a day I have chosen to waste.” ~ Ruth Theresa

“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.” ~Walter Bagehot

I would upgrade this by saying, “My Greatest pleasure in my life is accomplishing what others say they cannot do.” ~ Ruth Theresa

I know in my heart when people say, “I can’t accomplish,” what they are really telling me is they have already told themselves they CAN NOT accomplish. ~ Ruth Theresa

“Do or do not.  There is no try.” ~ Yoda

My day without any forward motion towards my goals and success is a day I have chosen to waste. ~ Ruth Theresa

I have known my whole life I have chosen to have an extraordinary, remarkable & astonishing life. When I hear others talk about their dreams, I remind myself of my dreams, ambition, goals, and purpose. ~ Ruth Theresa

I speak my truth with love and honor. ~Ruth Theresa

I only fail in my life when I choose to stop trying. ~Ruth Theresa

My goal is larger than any excuse I find. I now chose to focus on my goal and get to my work. ~Ruth Theresa

It only matters if I stop moving forward, I allow myself to go as fast or as slow as I choose. ~Ruth Theresa

My life is my own race to my finish, and only I can win. ~Ruth Theresa

Stop. Breathe-in. Breathe-out. I allow myself to re-center before moving forward again. ~Ruth Theresa

I enjoy spreading inspiring, positive quotes in my world. ~ Ruth Theresa

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