As a clairsentient & empath, Ruth can ‘see’ with their feelings. It’s very much like being able to physically feel music. It requires the use of all of her senses to make sense of the vibrations, energies and emotions. The messages can come through as a giddy joyful reeling, a racing heart of panic, headache or stomach ache. Though they can trigger a series of cascading emotions, Ruth can use it, along with psychometry, to give more meaning and clarity to a reading.
These are a few gifts that falls under the gift of
Clairsentience: Clairempathy, Psychometry, Sensitive, and Empath.
When It’s All About Feelings
A clairsentient is a person, who has the psychic ability to physically feel those who passed over, angels, Archangels, and the feelings or energy from others. Often they are people who rarely go out in public where they may be overwhelmed by the energy of large crowds. The word clairsentient comes from the French and Latin words clair meaning CLEAR and sentient meaning TO FEEL. These people are also called “sensitives”. This ability may also come with clairempathy, the ability to emotionally sense another person’s feelings like anger, fear, frustration, resentment and anxiety going beyond just sympathy.
Sensitives are people who are able to feel other people’s feelings or touch an object and receive information from the object about the person who owns it. Often they have psychometric ability, which is the ability to feel the energy of an item. There is energy on items that we touch every day. With training, a sensitive can understand these emotions and is able to deliver a message thru the item to/for the person attached it the item.
Try your luck at Clairsensitive, Can you feel any tree fairies? if, yes how many?