Hearing Ghosts & Angels

Have you been home all alone and heard someone call your name and it sounded as if was right next to you, inside your head or in another room? No television or radio on and you hear the faint sound of your loved one’s favorite song? If you have, those were clairaudient moments.

clairaudient is a person who has the psychic ability to hear ghosts, angels, or other sounds that transcend normal hearing. The word clairaudience comes from the French and Latin words clair meaning CLEAR and audient meaning TO HEAR.

Many people, during times of extreme duress, will say they heard their angel’s guidance. For example, a friend told me he was on the highway and suddenly heard a loud voice in his head tell him to, “get off now!”  He did, and while watching the news that evening saw he had just missed a major accident in the exact area he had received the message to get off.  When the spirit realm is trying to get your attention, stop, look and listen to what is around you.


Ruth is blessed that as a child she never ‘turned off’ her ability to hear or communicate with ghost or angels. Today this ability helps her deliver more meaningful messages to her clients.

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