Would you love to learn how to use your own psychic energy to build and add successful energy to your own business?
Psychic medium, Ruth Theresa has been dreaming of a Business Workshop for a very long time. She will be teaching you how to amp up your psychic gifts for your business. Ruth will have lots of simple hints, suggestions, and super tips.
Are you ready to learn how to harness your energy and funnel it into your own business?
This workshop does have one prerequisite; you must have completed at least Psychic 101 Workshop. Ruth will be sharing her experiences from owning her own business for over 10 years and giving insight into how she uses her own intuition to continue to build her company. She has had many successes and failures, and she is ready to share her knowledge with you. Ruth looks forward to assisting during this 6-part class!
Business Workshop Kick-Off Meeting is
Psychic Business Workshop – $100