Psychic Workshops

Psychic Workshop

Psychic 101 Workshop



Learn about what is covered in Psychic 101 Workshop


Ruth teaches a 6 class series called Psychic 101 Workshop; Clairvoyant, Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Aura Reading, Claircognizance, Meditation, Progression, and Past Lives Regression.  You will learn about Your Psychic Gifts, how to use them, how to increase your ability, how to turn them down, and how to keep yourself protected. 

Ruth teaches about each ability, then the class works with each student to personally turn up this ability, and then the course receives a message through that ability.  In class, she brings in Archangels for you to learn how to receive messages using your Psychic hearing – Clairaudience, Psychic vision – Clairvoyant, and Psychic feelings – Clairsentience.  The class also knows how to use Angel Cards, Protection Stones, Salt, clearing, cleansing, Energy Wrapping, Aura Reading, and much more……

Ruth leads the class into a guided meditation into two different Past Lives of yours in the regression classes. Then, with Ruth’s assistance, each student understands why you are having issues in this area, or you will see a clear path to releasing any barriers from the Past Life to bring healing to you today.    Many students have great healing and a newfound understanding of their life today, plus a tremendous insight into their Life Lessons.

In Progression Class, Guided Meditation moves you forward in your current life to 1 year, then either 3 or 5 years in your future.  Once you have seen where you will be in one year, you can make new choices or keep moving forward.  Then when you move forward in this life to either 3 or 5 years from today, so you can see what your current choices and decision will bring you to your 3- or 5-year goal. 


Online Psychic 101 Workshop, information


If you are participating in an ONLINE workshop, Ruth will send you a care package with several goodies to be used during the class and are for you to keep. It will include some crystals or stones, salt, salt tub mix, and a protection/clearing spray. You will need to purchase your angel cards before starting the class. If you need help choosing a deck, please send Ruth an email, and she can give you a few tips. Before beginning class, you will receive an email on how to prepare for a successful Psychic Workshop.


Are you ready to learn about your psychic gifts and abilities?? Then you should be in contact with Ruth about her next Workshop.




Ruth teaches a six-class series called Psychic 202 Workshop. In Psychic 101, you learn the basic language and types of spiritual gifts, basic understanding and use of meditations, spiritual tools, and protection. In Psychic 202, you will take all that information and delve even deeper into understanding how to put it to use to enhance your personal life. 

Ruth will teach the different spiritual gifts more in-depth and dig deep and explore them. She discusses the other stones and crystals that can be used for protection and daily use, advanced Angel Card use and interpretation, and longer, deeper, more in-depth meditations that assist with spiritual development and healing. For example, she could lead the group in an Island Meditation in which a Chakra Healing Meditation is blended in to reveal and heal hidden energy or psychic blocks.

Are you interested in Astral Projection or Numerology? Ruth easily teaches these topics to understand and incorporate into your daily life. Are you seeing repeating numbers all the time? 111? 333? They are Angel Numbers, and Ruth teaches them too.

In 202, there is a regression class as well. Ruth assists you with a more in-depth process and understanding by expanding on how to fix an issue from the past, so you can do it again as needed.  Like with all the other gifts and tools, Ruth wants you to leave 202, understanding how to increase, decrease, fix, and adjust the energy around you and your area to live your best life possible.

Classes are kept small, so everyone gets one-on-one time with Ruth. Ruth uses her own unique psychic gifts to assist her class in understanding and learning, along with daily meditations and lesson practices assigned as homework. 



Psychic 303


Psychic 303 Workshop is on the calendar for 2023.  Ruth has many students that are ready for 303 Workshop. Make sure to reach out to Ruth & get on her class list.

OMG, Ruth is always ready to teach a new class



Learn about what is covered in Psychic 202


Ruth teaches a six-class series called Psychic 202 Workshop. In Psychic 101, you learn the basic language and types of spiritual gifts, basic understanding and use of meditations, spiritual tools, and protection. In Psychic 202, you will take all that information and delve even deeper into understanding how to put it to use to enhance your personal life. 

Ruth will teach the different spiritual gifts more in-depth and dig deep and explore them. She discusses the other stones and crystals that can be used for protection and daily use, advanced Angel Card use and interpretation, and longer, deeper, more in-depth meditations that assist with spiritual development and healing. For example, she could lead the group in an Island Meditation in which a Chakra Healing Meditation is blended in to reveal and heal hidden energy or psychic blocks.

Are you interested in Astral Projection or Numerology? Ruth easily teaches these topics to understand and incorporate into your daily life. Are you seeing repeating numbers all the time? 111? 333? They are Angel Numbers, and Ruth teaches them too.

In 202, there is a regression class as well. Ruth assists you with a more in-depth process and understanding by expanding on how to fix an issue from the past, so you can do it again as needed.  Like with all the other gifts and tools, Ruth wants you to leave 202, understanding how to increase, decrease, fix, and adjust the energy around you and your area to live your best life possible.

Classes are kept small, so everyone gets one-on-one time with Ruth. Ruth uses her own unique psychic gifts to assist her class in understanding and learning, along with daily meditations and lesson practices assigned as homework. 



Psychic 303


Psychic 303 Workshop is on the calendar for 2023.  Ruth has many students that are ready for 303 Workshop. Make sure to reach out to Ruth & get on her class list.

OMG, Ruth is always ready to teach a new class


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