New Moon Energy

New Moon Energy

Every month, Our Universe gives us a little gift wrapped up yet ready to use; most of the time, we may not even think twice about it, although it is potent and, when used correctly, can change your life.  Your gift is hidden in plain sight; it is visible wherever you live a few hours every day.   In astrogeology, our moon symbolizes your feelings, instincts, or unconscious thoughts or actions.  Our New Moon is just one of our moon’s many facets.  When our New Moon energy starts a new cycle, it also indicates a new beginning for everyone.

Our New Moon designates a new time to start working towards a new goal or aim for a new purpose.  Yet, an interesting observation is most people are unconsciously connected with Moon energy, tending to create new habits, start new projects and initiate life changes around the same time as the new moon.  Which truly demonstrates our human connection deep within our soul, which also connects us to our Galaxy.   So, this goes doubly important when our new year starts with a New Moon.  Our New year mixed with our New Moon Energies is an excellent start to our new year with grand goals and ambitious beginnings.


Here is a list of things your try during a New Moon:

  1. Set a Meaningful New Intention

Every month our moon delivers us an extra boost of intention-setting energy, then add our New Year Energy as well.  We only amplify our brand new starts with New Moon and New Year Energies.    Take some time to concisely craft intentions, plus bring a lot of clarity, as well.  Your use of words will make a significant difference in receiving your new start.


  1. Light a Candle

Lighting a candle on the darkest night of the month signifies our desire to bring just more light into your life.   As you light your candle with huge intentions, purpose-driven, and a bold determination to ask your Universe to answer, you shine a light on yourself during this new moon and all the ones that follow it.


  1. Speck your goals.

Once your candle is lit, speak your goals with confidence and excitement.  Feel your emotions mixed with your New Moon and New Year Energy to become a confident Creator in your World.


  1. Begin Something New

Our  New moon is the most bountiful day of the lunar cycle each month.  So, start something else new like start a new class, begin to read a new book (preferably about your new purpose), or even step out of your comfort zone.


  1. Make a List

Create a whole list of all the details you’d like your Universe to consider when bringing you your heart’s desire and generate a list for you to get to go on your side of all of this.  Get as detailed as possible.   Make it as detailed as you can.  Draw a picture of it (even if you are not an artist).  Allow your feelings to come forward to be reflected in your drawings.


  1. Create a Sacred Space

Creating your own New Moon Sacred Space will assist you in focusing your energy on your goals and is the optimal time for setting a sacred space in your home to make your own magic.  Cleanse energy in your Sacred place where you’ll be meditation, manifesting, and self-reflecting.  I suggest using incense, images of people, and places that inspire you.

In time, when you enter that space, your body and mind will know it’s time to make magic.  After you’ve set it up, make sure you keep it clean and tidy to avoid bad vibes.


  1. Make Your Own Ritual

If you’re thinking of salt circles around as protection, you can also add Lavender Buds and Holy water if you have them available.  Making your own ritual is simply a matter of creating a set of practices you commit to doing during every new moon.  Either simple or elaborate, which is totally about cleansing you and your space, then making your space and home.

~~~~ Things to release during a new moon

1.  I choose to Change

A new moon is about creation, so consider creating or upgrading old habits into new habits that support you as you grow.  Image moving your energy instead of stopping your energy and restarting again.

2.  Upgrade New People

New moons are excellent times to allow new people into your life.  Yet, keep in mind that you only desire to bring new people into your life that support your new you, then you can support them.  When you are around them, keep asking your energy, how do I feel in this person’s energy, listen to not only their words but the unspoken energy intergraded into their words.

3.  Make your choice for you

When you are invited to events during your New Moon, ask yourself if “this is where I require going, or do I require to choose something else instead.”

4.  Always remove Energy Vampires

Sometimes we are genuinely unable to avoid all Energy Vampires in our life, yet during a New Moon, they are on the hunt for amazing creative people to take their energy.  I suggest avoiding them as much as possible during your New Moon.  You require to harness all the positive and creative energy flowing around you; none of it should be sacrificed to an Energy Vampire.



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